The official declaration of the new Seven Wonders of the World will be done in Lisbon at 0145 hours IST on Sunday.
However, India's chances of benefiting from the soaring rates are low following the strengthening of rupee against dollar.
The Indian software product sector is expected to register a 10-fold increase in revenues over the next seven years. Revenues may range between $9.5 billion and $12 billion by FY15, from the current $1.4 billion, according to a new Nasscom-Zinnov study.
Cashew growers can soon expect some positive changes in cashewnut trade following the formation of a global alliance on this front.
Duvvuri Subbarao on Monday joined as secretary, department of economic affairs, Ministry of Finance. He belongs to the 1972 batch of the Indian Administrative Service (Andhra Pradesh cadre).
A third Chinese airline company, China Southern, will launch direct flights to India this year to tap the increasing traffic potential arising out of booming bilateral trade.
Armed to the teeth with mortar guns, assault rifles, riot-control weapons and bullet-proof vehicles, the personnel drawn from various battalions of the force are thrilled at the opportunity to don the UN's blue helmet.
In the new generation diplomacy, the US definitely occupies the most important place on Indian thinking wavelength but India is no sub-contractor of America in the global context wherein Uncle Sam can decide what and how much Indians should eat or not! US President George W Bush blaming the 'wealthy' lifestyle of India's huge middle class for the spiraling global food prices endorsing his Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice views only adds insult to the injury for Indians.
Many schools across the world received breakfast or lunch for their students under World Food Program. But even this aid is under serious threat. UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon has put the priority on feeding the hungry by closing a $755m funding gap for the UN's World Food Programme this year.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will leave for the 5th Indo-Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit and the 2nd East Asian summit to be held in Cebu, Philippines on Saturday morning.
The proposed Foreign Trade Agreement between India and Asean got a boost today as trade ministers of Asean countries agreed to India's proposal for reducing the negative list to 490 items
On the sidelines of the India-ASEAN summit, Prime Minister Singh might also have bilateral meetings with some of the leaders.
Throughout Southeast Asia, it is easy to find viable alternatives to the wonderful but overcrowded destinations to which throngs of travelers typically flock.
Thousands of ULFA cadres have either surrendered or been arrested, but none of them had confessed to any arms deal with the LTTE.
The global epidemic continues to grow with 2.9 million deaths last year.
As ever, this is the major factor holding Saarc back and neither of the two countries seems to have an initiative.
Most human cases have been traced to contact with sick poultry, but experts fear the virus could mutate into a form that is easily transmissible among humans, sparking a global pandemic.
The announcement to admit Pakistan in ASEM was made at Helsinki on Monday following the sixth Summit of the organisation.
India's football coach Bob Houghton lamented that India could not maintain a high level of play in their AFC Cup qualifying match against Saudi Arabia.
The two stalwarts of Indian football failed to measure up to coach Bob Houghton's high fitness demands and were axed from the team for the Asian Cup qualifier.
For the first time in recent history, China's textile export to the United States in the first six months dwindled by 0.6 per cent from the same period last year mainly due to the export restraints.
The Asian Development Bank said on Wednesday India, despite making significant improvement in access to primary education, will not meet the millennium development goal targets as in the case of other countries in the Asia Pacific region.
Arvind Kejriwal is the founder of Delhi-based organisation Parivartan
By setting up a unit in a Least Developed Countries, India could take advantage of 'Trips Declaration' in the WTO that allows LDCs to produce generic drugs up to 2016 at a cheaper cost to address public health concerns.
India and China account for 64 per cent of GDP in 23 Asian countries included in a study but rank quite low when it comes to benefits percolating to their people.
India's 9 per cent GDP growth may not mean much for the masses, going by an ADB study which says India is ranked 17 among 23 when economies are compared based on a measure of people's economic well-being.
A number of Indian B-schools have decided to establish offshore campuses, and the Middle East nations and Singapore are clearly emerging as the favourite destinations.
In a glittering ceremony, former president Bill Clinton Thursday evening presented six individuals, including New Delhi-based Ruchira Gupta -- journalist, activist and policymaker, who for the past 25 years has worked relentlessly for women's and girl's rights, especially the ending of their sex trafficking -- with the 2009 Clinton Global Citizen Awards.
India's Taj Mahal, China's Great Wall, the Stonehenge monoliths in England and the desert city of Petra in Jordan are among 21 candidate sites to be named the new seven wonders of the world, organisers said Tuesday.
Cambodian police found the 50-year-old Kydd's body on Monday and suspect drug overdose as the cause of death, it said.
In an effort to allow 19 poor countries to promote growth and make progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the International Monetary Fund will grant 100 per cent debt relief to them amounting to $3.3 billion
Haute hot spots the world over are luring experienced vacationers bored with typical travels. Here are the top of the crop.
Nepal on Friday became the 147th member of the World Trade Organisation with the protocol of accession coming into force.
China will honour its Free Trade Area agreements with its trading partners, levy negotiated tariffs on some Indian goods
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is expected to sign a free trade agreement with India next week, Malaysian International Trade and Industry Minister Rafidah Aziz has said.
Malaysia's popular no-frills airline, AirAsia, has said it will give away two million free seats to mark its fourth anniversary, a media report said in Kuala Lumpur.